
charles river中文是什么意思

  • 查尔斯河



  • 例句与用法
  • Harvard university lay on both side of the intervene charles river
  • " look ! you and me on the charles river . i could die right now , clem
  • Hartung ' s alternative pyrogen assay is licensed by a nonprofit group to charles river laboratories in massachusetts
  • Charles river flows right by downtown boston . on the other side of charles river , it is cambridge , home for mit and harvard
  • Alternatives for the new charles river dam : the department of the army new england division corps of engineers , " charles river dam , design memorandum no . 2 , " 1972
    新查尔斯河堤坝的选择:军队新英格兰分支工程师公司部门, "查尔斯河堤坝,设计备忘录第2号, " 1972
  • Alternatives for the new charles river dam : the department of the army new england division corps of engineers , " charles river dam , design memorandum no . 2 , " 1972
    新查尔斯河水坝的替代方案:美国工兵署新英格兰分部, 《查理斯河水坝,设计备忘录第2号》 , 1972年所发。
  • The old charles river dam : committee on charles river dam , " report of the committee on charles river dam . . . to consider the advisability and feasibility of building a dam across the charles river at or near craigie bridge , " 1903
    旧查尔斯河水坝:查尔斯河水坝委员会, 《查尔斯河水坝委员会的报告. . .考虑在克雷基桥附近建造跨过查理斯河水坝的合理性和可能性》 , 1903年。
  • 百科解释
The Charles River is an long river that flows in an overall northeasterly direction in eastern Massachusetts. From its source in Hopkinton, the river travels through 23 cities and towns until reaching the Atlantic Ocean at Boston.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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